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Shofu Merssage-Pressage


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Merssage · Pressage

Prophylaxis pastes for all indications

These prophylaxe pastes are available in different kinds. The fluoride containing Merssage pastes remove plaque and provide a smooth and polished tooth surface. The non-fluoride Pressage paste is designed for cleaning tooth surfaces before bleaching and the application of etchants, bonding agents, and sealants.


  • Merssage Regular RDA 170-180, with fluoride Merssage Regular – with peppermint taste – is used for the removal of discolouration and at the beginning of the prophylaxis treatment, as well as for polishing teeth surfaces after the removal of orthodontic appliances.
  • Merssage Fine RDA 40-50, with fluoride Merssage Fine – with lemon taste – is used for the removal of plaque and extrinsic stains on the tooth surfaces and for polishing after scaling or bleaching.
  • Merssage Plus RDA < 10, with fluoride Merssage Plus – with orange taste – is used for polishing after scaling or bleaching, for prevention of reattached stains as well as for cleaning of restorative materials and polishing the surface.
  • Pressage RDA 170-180, without fluoride The tasteless Pressage paste is used for the surface cleaning before bleaching or application of etchants, bonding agents or fissure sealants. It does not contain fluoride, as this can weaken the bonding strength and the bleaching effect.

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