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Noritake FC Paste Stain Kit


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CERABIEN™ ZR FC Paste Stain The new Surface Stain for Zirconia

The addition of a new paste-type FC Paste Stain (a surface stain) to the CERABIEN™ ZR line allows the easy characterization of full-zirconia restorations. FC Paste Stain is available in a total of 27 shades, for the reproduction of a wide variety of shades. The full complement of blue and gray shades (Light Gray, Dark Gray, Grayish Blue, & Blue) makes the easy reproduction of blue-grayish transparency effects for incisal area possible. Two

types of glaze (Glaze & Clear Glaze) make it easier to control the appearance of transparency across the entire crown. Baking Schedule for the fabrication of full-zirconia restorations FC Paste Stain can be baked at 750°C during the fabrication of full-zirconia restorations. This is a lower temperature than that used for conventional external stains. Optimized for full-zirconia restorations Esthetic full-zirconia restorations can be fabricated efficiently by combining FC Paste Stain with KATANA™ Zirconia UTML, STML or ML.

Kit contains the following shades: A+, White, Cervical2, Grayish Blue, Salmon Pink, Dark Grey, Earth Brown, Clear Glaze, ES Liquid 10ml ... Each one is 26g

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