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Elephant Stropko


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Product advantages:

  • Clean & dry with confidence
  • Eliminates splashing
  • Regulated, gentle air pressure
  • Uses a large variety of tips
  • Enhances micro adhesion
  • Essential for microscope use
  • Accurate, fine stream of water
  • Enables air-thinning of deep resin
  • Ergonomic and easy to use
  • Multi-disciplinary use
  • Adapts to most air/water dental syringes

The Stropko Irrigator has multi-disciplinary uses:

  • Rinse and dry precisely for unsurpassed vision during every procedure
  • Clear away dentinal dust while retrieving broken instruments
  • Control vision of site while troughing to locate hidden canals in all molars
  • Clean and dry root-end preparations when performing microsurgical procedures
  • Rinse and dry area after staining root-end preparation for unexcelled vision
  • Air-dry the canal system with a “kiss of air” prior to obturation for improved seal (F-I-R-E Technique)
  • Direct a precise and controlled flow of air or water into any area
  • Be confident of surface management in micro-adhesive dentistry
  • Clean and dry sulcus during tissue retraction prior to impressions
  • Use gentle air flow to “thin“ resin for total light cure during placement in deep areas
  • Rinse completely and have positive drying of area in all bonding procedures
  • Use omni-directional stream of water for effective and efficient irrigation of surgical sites
  • Hygienist can gently “fluff” sulcular tissue to easily check for sub-gingival calculus
  • Remove particles and clean socket after extraction (prior to immediate placement)
  • Irrigate surgical area to maintain tissue moisture throughout procedure
  • Rinse after each drill use to clean it and the osteotomy for vision
  • Flush debris out of the internal screw channel of the implant before abutment seating
  • Gently flush any area for vision and avoid splashing or inadvertent contamination
  • Precisely clean and dry bracket bonding sites
  • Remove debris from brackets at adjustment visits for vision

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