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Bredent ​Specialty Wax


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Specialty Wax

 Life Color Wax - Tooth Colored:
This wax was developed specifically for use with the M.A. Polz technique of wax-up. It is ideal for training apprentices, as the anatomical contours are more readily recognized. This wax exhibits minimal shrinkage and is available in two consistencies - medium and hard.

Life Color Wax, Medium
tooth colored, medium 25g #51000800

 Life Color Wax, Hard
tooth colored, hard 25g #51000810

Life Color Wax - Dark Brown:
This is the classic supplement to the tooth colored Life Color wax. It is ideal as a cervical and coping wax as its dark base color improves the color contrast of the fissures. It is also available in two consistencies - medium and soft.
 Life Color wax, soft
dark brown, soft 25g #51000820

 Cervical Wax:
In order to achieve a perfect marginal seal on crowns, inlays, onlays, etc., the wax must adapt well and be completely shrink-free. Cervical Wax is used for forming the cervical margin and adheres perfectly to the coping and sculpturing wax.
 Cervical wax
Red 25g #51000605

Wax for Outer Copings:
In order to achieve a perfect marginal seal on crowns, inlays, onlays, etc., the wax must adapt well and be completely shrink-free. Cervical Wax is used for forming the cervical margin and adheres perfectly to the coping and sculpturing wax.
 Wax for Outer Coping
Yellow 25g #51000420

Undercut Wax:
This wax was developed in order to block out cavities in dies. It exhibits minimal shrinkage and adheres well. Its white color contrasts well with all types of die material.
 Undercut Wax
White 25g #51000480

Sticky Wax:
As it sets quickly and adheres very well, this sticky wax can be used for all techniques. It is easily boiled off, without leaving residue, thus guaranteeing clean surfaces.
 Sticky Wax
dark red 25g #51000400

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