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IOS Razor Bracket


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Bracket Specifications:

  • Extremely low profile for maximum patient comfort.
  • Precision casting allows for a precise 0.0002” uniform slot tolerance, ensuring consistent and predictable results.
  • Vertical groove.
  • 0.030" Slot depth in all brackets allows for improved torque control.
  • Mini lower incisors facilitate bracket placement in crowded cases.
  • Curved base for better adaptation on the tooth and less bonding failure.
  • Torque in the base facilitates proper bracket placement. For more consistent, Reliable, Accurate expression of built-in prescription.
  • Sand-Blasted 80 Gange foil bracket mesh base provides deeper undercuts than conventional mesh pads for greater bond strength.

Brackets Color code are:

U Centrals - U Laterals - U Cuspids - U Bicuspids
L Incisors - L Cuspids - L 1st Bicuspid - L 2nd Bicuspid 

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